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13 Tips to Improve the Internal Communications of a Workplace

/ January 6, 2017 January 6, 2017


Remember what we learned from the game “whisper down the lane” as children? Communication can easily breakdown.  Much the same way, in a workplace, communication can be misinterpreted, which can change the meaning of the original message. Mistakes are often the result of miscommunication. So, how can a manager get messages to their staff members most effectively?

With the help of The Society of Human Resource Management, here are 13 Tips to improve the internal communications of a workplace:

  • Provide opportunities for everyone to speak and relay ideas
  • Encourage prompt reactions during difficult moments – Don’t forget, your reaction will dictate their next step!
  • Copy email messages, when appropriate, to all team leaders, so that everyone is on the same page and fewer messages must be delivered individually
  • End meetings with a question and answer session
  • Spend dedicated time with each direct report each month – Let them set the agenda
  • During performance reviews, ask employees to share any observations, feedback or system flaws that they feel needs improvement
  • Create an environment where failures are openly discussed and used as a learning tool
  • Spend more time training new employees, so they will spend less time guessing how or why they must do a certain task
  • Use apps or meeting programs online (why spend money on plane tickets?)
  • Delegate more, but micromanage less
  • Listen to employees and apply some of their new ideas in the workplace
  • Conduct a retreat and discuss a shared vision – Put plans in place to make it a reality
  • Create an awareness and understanding of different communication styles – This is particularly important with 4 and soon to be 5 generations at work

Do you have innovative methods of internal communications at your business? Write and share your ideas below!